Thursday, August 10, 2017

Quick Little Praise :)

Hi! At first I wasn't even going to write a post about this, because I thought it was just a silly little thing that wasn't worth bothering everyone about. But, then I realized that every blessing, every answered prayer, every reminder that we are cared for by our good father God is worth celebrating and sharing. And, really, this tiny little answered prayer been such a HUGE blessing to us for the last week. We are so very, very, very thankful that


Is has been such a heavy source of stress fighting to try to get her to take even a partial dose of her medicine, and for almost 2 weeks now she has almost all of it without fighting, spitting, wailing, or gagging. Thank you so much for your fervent prayers in this area. It has made such a difference in our lives, and we can visibly see that her medicine is helping with her symptoms.

Thank you so much for praying for our precious Sugar Baby. Please say a prayer of thanks on our behalf for this answered prayer, and please continue to pray for healing for Ramona. We have our next appointment with the Cardiologist in 2 weeks.

Aaaand, what's a blog without pictures, right? Here a few from the last 2 weeks! :)

Flying to California! She was a good little traveler, but she was definitely tired of being
cooped up by the end of our flights. We felt the same way. 

Chillin' with Aunt Georgie.

WHAT IS ON MY ARMS?! She doesn't know what sleeves are. Ha.

Daisy was SO EXCITED to see Ramona when we got back. She couldn't stop
hugging and kissing her and saying "Hi Nona! I love you!"

So silly. 💗
The only food she's willingly eaten thus far is steamed broccoli. This is not my child.

Big sister has been working on her play house!

What's summer without swimming and water toys?

One more picture of big sister that is just too cute. We went to a pizza party, and
Daisy had to sit on her Great Grandma's lap while she ate so she could share
her Great Grandpa's sandwich. 

Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
Isaiah 40:28


  1. So thankful!!!! Sweet pictures!!

  2. So glad to hear of this success....God is great, and works miracles.....keep praying and turn this all over to Him, who is in charge and knows the purpose of this trial for your family. Hugs and much love to you and Nathan, Daisy and Moe


Post-Op Day 2

Hi there, I just wanted to report that Ramona is doing well. Her surgery on Thursday went as well at we could have hoped. They were able to ...